At Masia Pegna, we consider the Ebro an artery, a nearby and ever-present stream of energy.   

Unmistankingly impacting our vines, Ebro’s flow bounders 6 hectares of vineyards, in very close proximity. Therefore, it was logical to us to vertorize this river, Spain’s most important one, into our logo. Not only her hydrological dynamics (irrigation, evaporation,…) but also her specific ecosystem and her history inspired us to 3 different chapters, all related to the Ebro.

She is our daily companion, she identifies us very specifically and therefore deserves a forum. 

Hereby we proudly present chapter one : ‘Ebre a la nit’ (Ebro at night). 

A maybe non-imaginary tale about a couple that decides to nightswim, but the riverflow is dangerous, the water cold. One dares to cross, the other not. How far we go to reach our goals? How hard we push ourselves? Debate between the two arises, friction follows. A river like a crossroad, where one takes a left turn while the other one continues to the right. Different views of a same situation, but one’s pushes more, harder and persists in crossing. And succeeds. This wine is the proof. 

Chapter 2, La Batalla (to be released)
Chapter 3, El Pas (to be released)

‘Ebre a la nit’ is a natural wine, from ecological CCPAE-certified Shiraz grapes.

A ‘Gran Reserva’, aged for 11 years, only released in a Magnum-version (1,5L).
Now (2023) coming to the market is a very limited edition of only 77 bottles, all with handwritten serial number.
Every single label is unique & handmade by Argentinian artist Cintia Sotera, therefore a truly collectable object.


fast water above our knees
a torch, backlit
reflections at the surface

“We had better ideas.”
“Admit. You are nervous?”

a noontide
luring us to that Miravet´s shoreside
to an habitat
you and I acquired

backtracking frostbit
we didn’t dare
by reason of an Ebre a la nit
we tried trespassing
but not by kayak

voice-overs from Night Herons
we´ll heed to
till hell freezes over
composers of a melodrama

“I like that genre.”
“I don’t.”
an inverted comma in the wrong font
nevertheless we kissed
“You wish.”

as morning mist
glimmered over the opera
I left the fauna I was in
adrift but knowing

where to rebegin

Poem by Dimitri Van Zeebroeck


fast water above our knees
a torch, backlit
reflections at the surface

“We had better ideas.”
“Admit. You are nervous?”

a noontide
luring us to that Miravet´s shoreside
to an habitat
you and I acquired

backtracking frostbit
we didn’t dare
by reason of an Ebre a la nit
we tried trespassing
but not by kayak

voice-overs from Night Herons
we´ll heed to
till hell freezes over
composers of a melodrama

“I like that genre.”
“I don’t.”
an inverted comma in the wrong font
nevertheless we kissed
“You wish.”

as morning mist
glimmered over the opera
I left the fauna I was in
adrift but knowing

where to rebegin

Poem by Dimitri Van Zeebroeck